About SCIK

In 2011, SCIK Publishing Corporation was launched in London and then developed into a well-known publisher of mathematical books and journals.

SCIK aims the journals to maintain high standards of quality, with editorial boards composed of scholars well-known around the world. We aim to combine the highest international standards of scientific quality together with efficient and fast peer-review process. SCIK provides open access to any one to obtain, read, download and print the full text of the research articles, surveys, journals and books published by us.


SCIK Publishing Corporation,

39-41 Chase Side, Southgate,

London, N14 5BP, UK

Email: [email protected]

Fax: +44-(0)-2088864339

URL: http://scik.org

About AP Centre

The Article Processing Centre (AP Centre) is a high-quality publishing services provider, specializing in the academic and professional sectors.

Co-publishing relationship: [email protected]